Thursday, May 9, 2019

Little bird and muddy slime

This week, the children found a small dead baby bird resting under a piece of bark. At first, they were slightly unsure of how to react, but with some reassurance that it was OK to look and ask questions, their curiosity blossomed.

The children wondered how the baby bird had died and how long it had been there for. Clues, such as how it had no feathers made them think maybe it had only just hatched. They wondered if it was perhaps the duck from last week's egg or a baby who had fallen from a tree. The children noticed and named several body parts and told me it must be dead because they could see parts of its insides and it wasn't breathing.

When asked what they would like to do with it after we had looked at it, some of the girls wanted to bury the bird. Florence wanted to make a blue and pink 'Jesus' cross for the bird so it could have a grave and she wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl.

Other children enjoyed spending more time in the mud kitchen. They worked hard as a team to make the perfect 'slime ball', which just had to be the right consistency!

Our gardening team from last week wanted to know what would happen if they burnt the weeds they had cut down, so they were helped to build a fire. They discovered that wet weeds start to put out the fire and make it super smokey!

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